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The all-inclusive set, boasts everything you’ll need to deal with virtually anything on the market, future-proofing your successful removals. Always ready to go! Arrives packaged in a portable carry case, making it ideal for on-the-go. Thelocking wheel nut remover is a specialist tool designedand manufactured in house by Dynomec for professional use to remove locking wheel nuts/bolts quickly and efficiently.Using between the assortment of chisel blades to physically cut directly in to a wheel nut, or the range of mouldable blades to shape in to the internal profile (zig zag shape) of a wheel nut to create a key, you really can remove virtually any locking wheel nut with thistool.
?Largeselection of mouldable attachments with Peak Drive geometriesoffering superior grip and engagement into multiple track widths andpattern arrangements.
?ChiselBlades Incorporate multiple patented geometries and designsthroughout the range offering enhanced effectiveness forremoval.
?Multiplesizes of protective shroud- suits small to large wheel recesses andreduces the risk of wheel damage, whist aidingcentralization.
?Screwin adaptors-offering more rigidity and stability.
?PatentedMulti-function Dual Strike Impact driver; isolate linear drivingforces independent of rotational forces with the same tool,providing superior rigidity and energy transfer.
?Visualmode indicator- High visibility green band on the Impact driver,only visible when in rotation mode.
?RemovableStainless steel hand protection ring with foam cushion-offering fullcircle protection to the user’s hand.
?Allparts engraved for clear identification and repeatordering.
?Oncethe C-Blade has been formed, the standard hexagon driveadaptors-allowing moulds to be used as temporary keys (oncedressed)
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